My name is Natasha! I am a wife and mother, with all the work that
comes along with those titles. I am also self employed and work from
home as an Independent Distributor for It Works. Allow me to introduce you to my family! |
Jon ~ This is my husband. He works a 9-5 in the outside world. He was a
department supervisor, but recently stepped down to a lower stress
position. His hobbies include drumming, building stuff, and playing with fire! |
Jamie Douglas ~ Our oldest son. He will be 9 in December and is in 3rd
grade. He has some temper issues, but we're working on that. He loves animals, and can't wait until we start getting some of our own! |
Ramsey Doodle ~ The middle child. He just turned 3. He still hasn't adjusted to not being the baby! He loves PBS Sprout (he's three, he knows all of his letters and his numbers up to 12 by site, don't judge!), dinosaurs, and playing outside with his brother. |
Sissy ~ This is Nicole. She's the baby. She just turned 1. Her hobbies include walking, crawling, and eating. She specializes in climbing furniture, clicking on the mouse while I'm working on the computer, and sitting on the keyboard to blow me kisses! |
Ok so that's what I've got for now! I'll post more tomorrow!
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